Computer Support

20 years of experience means we’ve seen all the versions of Windows and Mac OSX and have encountered many of the problems that occur. Using remote access technology we can respond to your calls immediately decreasing the level of impact not having a computer has.

We repair and upgrade PC’s and Macs and advise during the purchasing process.

If you’re migrating to a new laptop or computer we also specialize in data and application migration, so your emails and important files won’t be forgotten.

Support Options Available

The IT support work we undertake for our customers is guaranteed for 30 days at no extra cost. Support contracts are available to meet the needs of our customer.

Option 1 – Pay as you go

An hourly charge of £40 per hour . You call us when you need us and we charge you for the hours we are with you. This works out more expensive than our other options, but may suite when it’s just occasional calls for our services.

Option 2 – Pre buy a block of hours

Pre buy a block of hours starting at £35 per hour and use them as you need to call us in, knowing you won’t be charged anything additional. The more hours you buy the better the rate; minimum purchase rate of five hours.

Option 3 – Annual support contract

Customers find that this option works out between 10 – 20% cheaper than their current support contract. We will audit your IT equipment and discuss your requirements, we will then give you a yearly figure to support and progress your IT requirements.

We become your IT department and you receive preferential response times and out of hours contact numbers. You know in advance your yearly IT spend allowing you to budget more efficiently and payment can be made yearly, quarterly or even monthly by standing order. This is by far the most economical option.

So, if you’re a business, a solo entrepreneur or home user, please contact us to discuss how we can help keep you up and running whatever your support problem.